Journal Entires

Camisha Balfour
Eco Friendly Packaging

Placing Wholesale Orders With Elosa

I’ve made the process of wholesale seamless and easy for all wholesale buyers. At your own convenience, you’re able to browse, manage, shop and track orders on our website with your wholesale account... 

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Camisha Balfour
Vegan Coconut Wax Candles

Caring For Your Elosa Candles For Best Experience

You can enjoy your Elosa candles for a very long time as long as you properly care and use your candles throughout it's life. It has a long lasting burn if you follow these simple steps...

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Camisha Balfour
Shrimp Scampi With Fresh Spinach & Cherry/Grape Tomatoes

Shrimp Scampi With Fresh Spinach & Cherry/Grape Tomatoes

I love to share my cooking process on my social media and anyone that follows me enjoys this content. I made a Shrimp Scampi dish for lunch one day and posted it to both my personal and business page on instagram and the comments and questions i received afterwards was overwhelming! I often get a lot of compliments on my decor, design aesthetic and cooking, and it really warms my heart how I seem to inspire and motivate others. I decided to write a blog post on this recipe as I had a lot of requests for it on instagram...

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Camisha Balfour
All Dogged Up

Spoil Your Fur Baby! - All Dogged Up. Grooming & Pet Spa!

Hello my fur parents, this one is specifically for our fur babies!

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